E-mail Marketing Mistakes Businesses Often Make _ XenelSoft
January 17, 2018

We live in an era where E-mail marketing or social media has become pivotal for businesses and customers. And for businesses to reach their audience, social media platforms are not enough, they require a method that can pitch the target audience and can perceive their needs or demand for their product. Yes, we are talking about E-mail marketing here. About 45% of marketers think that emails are the most effective way to generate leads and can easily fathom the needs of target audiences. While 72% of the marketers believe that it is the best and easiest way when it comes to its execution.

common E-mail Marketing Mistakes _ XenelSoft

But this method or procedure is not as simple as it seems because generally, marketers end up committing tiny mistakes that can ruin the whole appearance of the business in the eyes of its customers in a single go. Below are the 4 common mistakes that marketers generally make and it is important to improve those mistakes in time, as they can make or break the image.

Use of Unclear Subject Line

A subject line was never irrelevant and is never going to be. This single line demonstrates whether the whole content lying inside the email is worth reading or not. Marketers generally to send bulk emails, forget to focus on this aspect and consider it to be vague. A well-written subject line will attract people to open the mail and read it further.

Self-Promotional Content

The content inside the mail doesn’t have to be all about the rich qualities of the business; it has to be written point to point, where businesses have to showcase what they are willing to offer and at what specifications. Businesses often end up bragging or promoting their functioning or area of expertise, but this trend is totally a big no-no.

Not Keeping Track of Emails

The marketers forget to trace the campaign they are performing, as it is the best way to understand how significantly they are reaching would-be customers. Analytical tools in ESP along with various Google analytics can be used to check the performance and understand what people are generally fond of.

Not Segmenting the List

Sending the same content to every individual is not trending anymore. Marketers need to segment their list based on gender, demographics, behavior, and many others but they do not segregate their list based on such factors and end up sending the same content throughout.

The above are the few mistakes that are necessary to avoid while pitching the targeted customers and today’s digital marketing service providers are very much aware of the changing trends and can help businesses to learn them skillfully.

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