LinkedIn New Features to Boost the Video Content _ XenelSoft
March 28, 2018

There is no denying the fact that LinkedIn has gained and is still gaining the hearts of the majority of people, as it is a professional social media network. This social media handle has helped a lot of business people and corporate houses to connect easily over a network. Video content has gained huge acceptance these days and no social media platform has failed to adopt or follow this trend as early as possible, LinkedIn is one of them.

Boost Your Video Content

But just having or publishing video content didn’t seem enough for the audience and this is the reason why this media handle launched some new features like sticker options, text styles, and many others to spruce up the look and feel of every video content being uploaded by anyone. In previous years new features like frames, and text styles took over this media and pledged towards making video content more attractive and appealing for the varied professionals and public. As we live in a society where what we see or look at matters the most, this is the main reason why this media platform stresses the filters and features that can speak.

LinkedIn New Features _ XenelSoft

Creative Filters

We all love using filters on other social media handles and just simply admire how the whole outcome appears. Now people can add filters of varied types based on their choice and can give their video more engagement from the part of the users. Filters like “On the Air”, “work high five”, and “Side Hustle” has been going viral and are proving to be motivating.

Text style

Mainly these three text styles – Fifth Ave, Geometric, and Plain have been launched so far for those videos that would want to explain more and write their heart out. Even if the videos are silent, the text can do wonders.

Sometimes, it is hard to move with time and it requires some helping hand to make us understand what and how things should be done. Similarly, in the digitally dominating environment of today, businesses do need some help to learn what new folds must be adapted to move ahead with supremacy. To learn the new basics and dynamics, getting in touch with a Digital media Agency will be fruitful, one way or another.

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